Saturday 5 December 2015

Thank you 2015...

I know I have taken rather long to come back to blogging. Actually, I had no idea where to pick up from. Avani's birthday as always serves as motivation.

She'll be five in less than week. I remember last year I was wondering when will my child start enjoying her birthdays, start placing demands, start sharing experiences, start having play mates etc etc... No, that is not going to happen on this birthday either. We are far from it even now.

After shifting to our new house, Avani's therapies took a serious hit. Not many options are available near by and old therapists with whom she had settled well are being missed. She gets a lot of time on her own or with me and a lot of times we did not know how to use it. She has become a reluctant talker. She knows a lot but evades prodding. Confusion prevails when we force her to 'say' something while placing a demand. Clarity and articulation in speech is another issue. I was desperate for a speech therapist who can particularly work on desensitizing her oro-motor issues. Have found one too but we are yet to get sessions from him.

But while the wait continues, there is no denying the positives. Avani is more aware, better coordinated, better understanding and command following across situations. She's cooperative with class teacher, sitting in peer group and picking up new things in day to day routine. Nice to see my child observing everyone so closely - mummy, daddy, kids in the class, in the neighborhood, in the apartment lift!!

In a way its good that Avani's birthday comes in December. It can be hard to ignore depression of unfinished projects and underachieved targets at the end of the year. But a birthday is the beginning of a new year. We will make up for the lost ground this year and we will again find motivation in hope. Hope of seeing our lil girl play, laugh, talk and live heartily.

Am going to put a picture of Avani at three months in her father's arms. A time when we were in our babymoon, unaware of any diagnosis, exploring our child and enjoying parenting.