Saturday 24 November 2018

Baby J’s first!!!

Look at this picture... it narrates a thousand stories. It speaks about the journey this autism family has covered in the last one year. Avani’s smile and Jay’s comfort around her tells you how this little angel’s arrival has made a difference in our lives. 

Jay is one today and I can’t thank God enough for sending him to us. We needed him, almost desperately. 

I needed him to see another side of my maternal instincts. A mother who is not always struggling to be heard, a mother who is not always counting milestones, a mother who is not always looking at her child through a certain diagnosis. 

Aiyappa needed him. He knows Jay is a reflection of him in character not looks 😋

And Avani needed her baby brother to learn and unlearn so many things! She has to share her parents, her toys, her space and even her privacy (this boy goes to the toilet exactly at the time when she is there)! The bond has only started to develop. The layers of a relationship are only getting built one by one. Right now, he’s perhaps just a little toy for her to play with occasionally. Sometimes he’s fun but mostly annoying. 

But this little bundle of naughtiness is here and it’s amazing how quickly he’s become our lifeline. 

And by the way, I still sometimes press his nose to check for a nasal bone :)